Now get yourself a fairly deep pot and fill it about three inches from the top. And set it to Just warm enough to get the water steamy, but not so hot that it begins to boil. I usually set my burner to medium, but every stove is different. Once the water is nice and hot your going to want to add your shredded Zote soap. You can also use FelsNaptha or other Zote colors. This is just my preference and what works best for my family. Get yourself a grader and shred up the entire 400 Grams of Zote soap.(yes I make my husband do it, your arms get sore after awhile lol) and Add it to your steamy pot of water. Stir constantly until all your soap has melted in the pot.
Once all of you Zote soap is melted in the pot of water its time to add the Borax. I add 2 3/4 cups of Borax to the pot for my recipe. The Borax will immediately get thick like a big clump in the pot. You will just stir it and break it up until its all nice and smooth and worked in. Your liquid will now be a little thicker, sorta the consistency of slime and once it reaches that point you can leave it alone and it time to fill your buckets with the hottest tap water you can get. If your tap water doesn't get very hot you can also warm some water up on the stove.
Once you have stirred all your ingredients into the bucket its time to fill it the rest of the way up with more hot water. I fill it about to inches from the top as this will expand when you let it rest over night. So after your done stirring gently set the lid onto your laundry soap. DO NOT SEAL TIGHTLY!!! This laundry soap will congeal and rise over night and yes I have done it, I tightened my lid while it was settling over night the very first time and it shot off from building up pressure. Its the reaction the Borax has with liquids. So nothing to be alarmed of your washing machine will not implode and this is even safe for HE machines! Because its low sudzing. Now let the product rest for at least 8 hours or even over night like I do.
In the morning you should have a product that looks like this. If it doesn't and it more liquefied then mine DO NOT PANIC! Your laundry soap is still good and still effective to clean your clothes. The chemical reaction just didn't have as much of an effect and yes altitude can play a role in the making of this laundry soap.
At this point I gently seal the bucket that I will not be diving into first making sure I don't push down and pressurize the bucket. However for save measure and can always just gently set the lid on if you would feel more comfortable. I then carry my buckets to my laundry room upstairs and BAM I am done! I have a traditional laundry from an old laundry detergent jug and I just give it a quick stir before I take a scoop and pour I in my machine and let it do its job. My clothes always come out clean and fresh each time! 10 Gallons lasts my family of four for at least a year. And with both my husband and I in the Army and two daughters who change every five minutes I run through 10 loads a week easy. So if you like to know what is going into your families skin and LOVE to save money like I do give this a try. I also know how to make this product in a dry format, so if that's something you all would be interested in let me know. Later down the road I will put a few more posts up as to how I make my own stain pre-treater as well as my own dryer sheets! Lots more good money saving DIY tips coming your way, so stay tuned and click that follow button for more tips, tricks, and DIY ideas. If Yall have any suggestion for DIY activities you would like a tutorial on let me know and I will try to get that up. From one crafty person to another have a great day!!
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