Thursday, April 21, 2016


I like to think that that majority of the time I manage my stress load well. I think the only reason I feel this way is because I contain it all inside of me until I implode into a total mess of emotions. Now I know that there are techniques that we can all use to lower our stress levels and handle the issues immediately. Let's just say I dont know how to use them. What seems to work for me is to rationalize the situation that I am in. Make some sort of a plan to overcome whatever I am facing. Then when all else fails I just turn into an emotional wreck with tears streaming down my face crying to my mother. It's amazing that even as adults when we fall our moms are still the ones who will kiss our boo boos and somehow they make it all better. That is usually my go to method when I get to the point of emotional explosion. Then there is always the other method of unloading everything that's on my mind all at once to my husband. Now my husband is my best friend and I talk to him as such when I need to. Now the downside to this is he is very protective and sometimes when I express to him the things that are damaging my heart and soul in that period of time he goes on the defense as if he would exterminate the problems of he could. Of course I am the voice of reason so once I get it all out we agree that exterminating any of the issues at hand isn't the best course of action. I am very thankful that I have him as an outlet. Although I wouldn't have married him had he not been my best friend. For everyone out there looking for Mr. or Mrs. right, my suggestion is that you marry your best friend. No one will take care of your heart and soul like they will. It's like in the best friend code or something. I also find that melting away into something I enjoy doing, or escaping life into a good book helps to relax the mind as well. I am trying my best to learn as many coping methods as I can to deter the amount of stress I allow to rest of my shoulders. Not only is it unhealthy to carry a large of amount of stress, this can even so much as cause ulcers and heart problems, it's not mentally healthy and it doesn't promote for good baby dust. I have a lot fighting against me in the baby department with a broken body and what not. Let's just say with my high risk of miscarriage I have to learn to control every ounce of stress I can when that day comes. Everyone each and everyday faces stressors. It's what we do about those stressors and how we handle them that make the difference in our lives. I am not perfect, I havnt found the key to success in how to ultimately eliminate stress. However I do know that with a strong family backbone, a best friend, a good book, and some serious will power it is possible to change the way you do deal with stress. To relax your mind, body and soul when a stressful situation arrives. To breathe deeply, close your eyes and when it's time to open them again you have a new refined way you intend to tackle the stressor. With a little effort all things can be worked out. It's just a matter of taking the plunge for most of us.

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