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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Potty Training
For every new parent who hasn't spent much time with other small children before bringing their own into the world, this stage of life can be intimidating. Now so far I only have two daughters so I cannot speak for the male side of the house just yet, so I would like to think I had it pretty easy as my girls weren't aweful to potty train at all. Of course though my oldest daughter was a lot more work the. My youngest. Both of the girls were fast trackers in life and I expected the days of potty training to come sooner then the age of two and they sure did. So by 20 months my oldest daughter was expressing her interest in the potty. I went out and purchased one of those bright pink princess pottys that even made a princess noise when you fake flushed it. She absolutely hated it! She refused to use it as if she was afraid of it. I faught her and faught her over the situation and eventually one day I lifted her up and held her over the big girl potty and wallah she finally went potty. So I ran back to the store and found one of the potty seats that sits directly on the toilet just to make the hole small enough for her little butt not to go plummeting into the toilet bowl. We were back in business and our potty in the diapers was limited to poop and bed time accidents at this point. Now poop was a little different story my oldest had the habit of hiding in a corner to do her business in her diaper. So she really didn't like the idea of having to sit on the potty and take care of business. Eventually though I figured we are going to go diaper less so she has no option but to get over the poop fear and believe it or not this slapped me in the face. She went potty all day long on the potty and then it came her usual poop time. She hunted for her cloth diaper but she couldn't find one I had already washed them, prepped them and put them away in the drawer. She was crying and screaming and I rushed her to the potty and told her that it was okay and she could do it. Nope I walked away for two seconds she ran to the living room and pooped straight on the living room floor. She sure showed me who was boss that day. A month later she finally got over her fear and with some bribery she pooped on the potty. It was a celebration that day and she got praised for her success which I found very important to do for her. As far as overnight was concerned I stopped her liquid intake an hour before bed and that limited her accidents. Then by her second birthday she was free to get up in the middle of the night and use the potty attached to her room and we had no more accidents other then the occasional I slept to hard and wet the bed or let some slip out. But that went away to overtime. Now with my youngest daughter potty training was the easiest thing on earth. She loved both pottys the princess one and the potty seat it didn't matter to her as long as she got to feel like a big girl like mommy and sissy. My oldest daughter practically potty trained her for me. Because if you know anything about little sisters they want to be just like their big sister. So her potty training time took maybe two months of no effort, no coaching, and no bribery needed. However I still celebrated and praised her for the big milestones like first potty, first poop, and first overnight dry diaper and of course the completion of her potty training process. So if anyone is out there struggling just remember it's usually easier the second time at least in my experience. We hope to have ourselves a little boy down the road so im sure that will be interesting as ever. Until tomorrow everyone have a wonderful day! Please follow, comment, and share with all your friends!
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